SHAMS announces: Journal of Medical Sciences receives international indexing 27 September 2011
Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Medical Sciences (SHAMS) announced that its quarterly Journal of Medical Sciences (JMS) has been indexed in Copernicus International.
This was stated by Dr. Youssef Abdul Razzaq, Editor – In - Chief of JMS, during his regular meeting with the editorial board of the journal at Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - UAE University in Al Ain, yesterday before.
Dr. Abdul Razzaq said that he is so proud of such international accreditation which is considered the third of its kind, as JMS has already received the indexing in Chemical Abstracts and Index Medicus for Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR).
The members of the editorial board of JMS attended the meeting including Dr. Mona Al-Rukhaimi, Dr. Bassam Alali, Dr. Samir Attoub, Dr. Adrian Thomas, and Dr. Ghazi Tadmoury.
"Receiving the international indexing in one of most important World Medical indexes is the fruit of tireless efforts exerted by SHAMS, since the establishment of JMS in 2006 till now, concerning publishing medical research papers with regard to its quality, scientific accuracy and contribution to develop scientific research in the medical field", Dr. Youssef Abdul Razak said.
"JMS is the only printed and electronic medical journal in UAE through which research papers find a platform to reach to the global level to emphasize the situation of the United Arab Emirates as a leader in the field of scientific research locally and globally", he added.
Dr. Abd Al Razzaq said that the award is keen on supporting scientific medical research through funding medical research papers in the United Arab Emirates, through publishing Journal of Medical Sciences which enables researchers to publish their significant papers with the aim of developing health sectors locally and internationally and through allocating Hamdan Award for Original Research Paper Published in JMS from inside and outside UAE.
Dr. Abdul Razzaq said that the coming stage will witness a development process for the journal both in its form and content, through implementing a future plan based on the expansion of the geographical scope of published research papers and joining young doctors and international experts to the editorial board of the journal.